Cervicogenic headache is a form of headache that arises from the upper spine. It is commonly seen after a whiplash accident and in patients with arthritis or degeneration of the upper neck. These headaches are very treatable with modern techniques and can be diagnosed easily. Here are 9 signs that your headache is really coming from your neck:
- Your headache started after a serious car accident that also resulted in neck pain.
- The headaches originate in the back of the head, at or around the bony prominence called “the occiput.”
- The headaches originate at the upper back of your neck.
- The headaches will start in the back, but will radiate or travel to the sides of your head or the front of your head.
- The headaches get worse when you are flexing your neck to read or work at a computer.
- In addition to headaches you suffer from vertigo. Vertigo is a sensation of the room spinning or your surroundings moving around you. Vertigo is often brought on by rapid or sudden head turning or change in body position.
- You have had an MRI or x-rays that shows neck injury or arthritis.
- You have neck stiffness.
- Your have neck pain.