Back pain has a number of causes. While some of these can get better on their own some can lead to chronic problems. If you have had pain for some time your doctor can help identify the cause of your pain and start the right treatment. Here is a list of things in your back that can cause pain:
- Much of the pain that occurs after an injury comes from overstretching of muscles and their tendons. When muscles and the tendons that attach them to bone are over stretched this is called a strain. Most strains will improve on their own or with therapy.
- Ligaments connect bones to each other and are present up and down the spine. When ligaments are injured by over stretching this is called a sprain. Sprains and strains often occur together. While painful, most get better on their own or with therapy.
- The disc is a structure that sits between the vertebrae and cushions the spine. The disc also provides stability to the spine. A disc may tear, causing the cushiony disc material to escape through the tear. This is called a disc herniation. These may improve, but get worse again later.
- The facet joint is a joint on either side of your vertebra that joins a vertebrae to the vertebrae above and below it. With aging or wear and tear, the facet joint can degenerate and cause chronic pain.
- The sacroiliac joint is a joint that connects your pelvis to the lower part of your spine, the sacrum. This joint can become stressed and painful after an accident, childbirth or after a lumbar fusion surgery. The joint may also become degenerated in old age, leading to pain.